Sea Water Treatment Systems
Sea water Reverse Osmosis Systems are used in order to separate the highly concentrated ions in the sea water from the water using the membrane technology and to reduce the conductivity of water accordingly. In the Osmosis technology, the water is treated through pumping the solution under high pressure and retaining the salt and other kinds of dirt. The latest developments in the osmosis technology make obtaining potable water from the sea water a more efficient and cost-effective process. With the cutting edge technology, it is possible to treat sea water using the Reverse Osmosis method with a much better quality in comparison to distillation and similar methods. Our Company Seko Kimya follows the developing technology closely and adopts it.

Industrial Water Treatment Systems
Industrial water treatment systems fulfill the need for water of various qualities such as pure water, deionized water, softened water etc. The industrial water treatment system is created considering the quality of the raw water, the amount of water to be treated and the amount and purity of the potable water needed. After the chemical analyses of the water to be treated are carried out, the water treatment system is created considering the analysis parameters. Our Company, Seko Kimya, follows the developing technology closely and adopts it.

Domestic Water Treatment Systems
With the domestic water treatment systems, the water is purified of hazardous elements on human health such as organic and inorganic substances, salts, heavy metals, viruses and bacteria dissolved in the water and potable domestic water is obtained. After the chemical analyses of the water to be treated are carried out, the water treatment system is created considering the analysis parameters.

Filtration Systems
Filtration systems are used in order to get rid of physical dirt like residues and suspended solid substances in the water and impurities such as color, taste and smell. With the help of the media placed inside the filter shaft, particles of different dimensions contained in the water in different concentrations are held in different layers of the media and are removed from the water. The filter removes the dirt in its media through automatic backwash.