
Definition: This is a product which contains approximately 12% active chlorine. It is suitable or pool water shocking and continuous chlorination.
Application: For an efficient pool water cleaning, adjust the pH value between 7,2-7,4. Never add water to the product. For a free chlorine level of 1-3, 1-3 kg of product is applied to 100 tons of water for outdoor swimming pools. For a free chlorine level of 1-1,5, 1-1,5 kg of product is applied to 100 tons of water for indoor swimming pools. It releases toxic gas if it contacts with acids. Application dose may vary depending on criteria such as temperature, number of people entering pool etc..
Net Amount: 33 Kg.
Definition: It is an agent in shape of granules which dissolves quickly and contains approximately 56-57% active chlorine. It is used for continuous chlorination. It is used to remove biological contamination in the pool.
Application: For an efficient pool water cleaning, the pH value must definitely be between 7,2-7,6. This is ensured by using 180-540 gr of SP-321 per 100 m of water. Depending on conditions of use and climatic factors, shock application must be performed by using 1000-1500 gr of product per 100 m2 of water at night hours when the pool would not be used by people. It cannot be used for indoor pools. Free chlorine amount must be 1-3mg/L in outdoor pools.
Net Amount: 50 Kg.
Definition: It is an agent in shape of granules which dissolves quickly and contains approximately 65-70% active chlorine. As it does not contain stabilizer, it can be used for indoor pool disinfection. It can be used for disinfection in outdoor pools which have stabilizer problem.
Application: For an efficient pool water cleaning, at least 1 ppm of active chlorine. This is ensured by using 165-462 gr of SP-322 per 100 m2 of water. 165-240 gr of SP-322 per 100 m2 of water should be used for indoor pools. Chemical application is manually conducted via a container into the valance tank of the pool.
Net Amount: 40 Kg.